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International Clairvoyant Spiritual Medium + Author

Connect with your deceased loved ones, guardian angels and spirit guides.
Maria also provides life guidance to help heal grief, love, family, employment, buying or selling, moving, and much more.

My Story



It all began when I was 6 or 7 years old. I lived on a tiny whimsical island in the magical archipelago of the Azores in the middle of the Atlantic ocean in a little town where everyone new everyone. When someone passed away the church bells would ring – 2 times for a woman, 3 times for a man. Every time those bells rang, my curiosity got the best of me. Who died? Where? How? Can I see the deceased? It was common in those times to hold an open casket wake at the home of the deceased for the following 24 hours after they passed. I would tell my mother that I was going to visit, and she had no qualms with this.  I started spending time at these wakes with the deceased. Oddly enough, for being a child, I was not afraid in the slightest, I knew their spirit was still with us, someway or somehow. I was about 8 years old the first time I was visited by my deceased uncle. It was late in the night, I first heard knocking on the window. I got up to investigate, and there he was, illuminated, looking at me with a smile on his face. Being able to see his contentment in the spiritual world caused me to feel great peace with his passing. Since that moment, I discovered I had a true gift. One that brought me solace as I lost several loved one thereafter. I realized I could also bring healing and peace to others who have experienced the same losses as mine. Now, I have helped hundreds of people, the peace I see in them after they have reconciled their grief makes everything I do worth it! I am so blessed and for that I am eternally grateful. I am so looking forward to connecting with you.



Maria Melo


My Story

Medium Maria Melo

About Maria

Born in the magical archipelago of the Azores, Maria immigrated to Canada in 1985. An avid practice of spirituality and the teachings of God, Maria has enriched peoples lives with her clairvoyant readings from our loved ones from the beyond. Maria was blessed with two children, Jennifer and Matthew along with daughter in law Crystal, and later on, two beautiful granddaughters Savannah & Amara. She now resides in beautiful British Columbia with her life partner, Terry, and has been blessed with a lovely extended family of four more children and eleven additional grandchildren. They fill her life with eternal gratitude and love. Home is where love lives.



Why We're Great >

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Why We're Great >

Intuitive readings with Maria provide you the clarity you need to move forward. From family, to love, to buying and selling and career guidance.

Why We're Great >

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Why We're Great >

Group Readings are a beautiful and enlightening experience that you can share with your friends + family.

Why We're Great >

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Why We're Great >

Maria’s gift enables her to connect with passed loved ones. These messages from beyond provide comfort, solace and peace.

Why We're Great >

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Why We're Great >

Using the cards you have chosen, Maria provides you messages from your guardian angels, spirit guides or loved ones in Heaven.



"I recently had a reading with Maria and it was more than I could have ever expected. I recently lost my grandparents, who raised me, and my grandmother came through and it instantly brought tears to my eyes. Maria was able to tell me things that nobody else would ever know. She also helped validate things in my life that only I knew I had uncertaintity about. My reading was honestly like a breath of fresh air and was the motivation I needed. I highly, highly recommend Maria. I cant wait to have another reading from her." 



~Kylie, Foxcroft, ME

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